Arthur Illinois - October 11-12, 2013

KCBS Competition barbeque and bluegrass

KCBS-CIBR-BBQ 2013 On-Line KCBS Trained Judges Entry Form

I anticipate needing 60+ or so judges and will try to keep aps in date order.
New Judging Chairperson: Al Froman

We can ALWAYS use help judging the Kids Q on Saturday Morning at 10AM and our Backyard Chicken and Ribs entries at 2pm. They too would appreciate trained judges so if you are in Arthur, join us. Just check in at the HQ when you arrive and possibly you can fill in for a last minute cancel in the KCBS or for sure we can find you something to judge in the Backyard.

If you are a certified KCBS judge, send us this form and we'll register you and you're all set. You may register two certified judges with this one form. We will give priority to Certified judges with active KCBS Cards. You will need your card with you when you arrive to judge in Arthur in October.

If you are not certified we will add you to our backup list and may call upon you to judge the Saturday KCBS if necessary. We will seat non-certified judges first in our Friday evening competitions, our Saturday Kids Q, and our Thrill-of-the-Grill Backyard events. This means that we will need at least 20 non-certified judges also. So sign up here. If you can help as a standby judge, I can guarantee you can help in the judging room staff and we always get plenty of competition BBQ leftovers to snack on.

(Your "ENTER" key will submit the form. Use your tab key or mouse to navigate until you are ready to submit the form. )

Judge Name
                          KCBS Number 

2nd Judge
                          KCBS Number 




Email address

Mobile Phone     

Submit this by email for priority reservation, I'll send you another reply email in a couple of days.
